
Fitely Blog



Why you should do more Hula Hoop workouts

Hula hoop workouts are definitely the way to go if you’re looking for a fun way to get fit. Not only will you get moving, burn lots of fat but you will have tons of fun while you’re at it! All you need is a hula hoop. If how much fun you’re going to have didn’t get y...



Best ways to get 6 pack abs fast

It doesn't come as a surprise that six pack abs is a goal shared by many. You can either want it to improve your fitness level or to look amazing in your swimsuit. The question on everybody’s mind is though, how do you get 6 pack abs? And how can we get them fast?



Benefits of using resistance bands during exercise

Benefits of using resistance bands during exercise


Whether it's a home workout or a gym workout, resistance bands are the way to go. It can be considered an alternative to free weights but it definitely has some undeniable fitness b...



What Is Slowing Down Your Metabolism?

Theories may vary on different weight loss approaches, and how your metabolism can be enhanced. You may already know that the faster your metabolism functions, the better your weight loss results are. There are so many ways to naturally boost your metabolism other th...



Daily Activities That You Never Knew Burned Calories!

If you’re feeling guilty about that burger you devoured for dinner, don’t beat yourself up; because daily activities that your body undergoes burn more calories than you think so not the entirety of those guilty pleasures sit in places where they don’t belong. Now if...



Lose Belly Fat Fast With 4 Simple Tricks

Getting rid of stubborn belly fat is getting rid of all our problems, right? We’re all on the same boat, and always trying to come up with effective solutions for this problematic part of our lives. There are so many factors as to why your belly fat is getting in the...