
Best ways to get 6 pack abs fast

  • 30/09/2020

It doesn't come as a surprise that six pack abs is a goal shared by many. You can either want it to improve your fitness level or to look amazing in your swimsuit. The question on everybody’s mind is though, how do you get 6 pack abs? And how can we get them fast?


First off, cardio needs to become your best friend. 


Whether you love it or hate it, it's a must in order to lead the way to your 6 pack abs much faster. Cardio helps you burn all the belly fat which in turn leads to making your abs much more visible. It can be 20-40 minutes of daily cardio such as walking, running or swimming. Ofcourse, the more intensive it is, the more you will burn and the faster your progress would be, but that doesn't mean that a 30 minute walk won't get you closer to your abs.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!


As if we can't say it enough, hydration is key to reaching your fitness goals! And ofcourse it is a vital part of getting 6 pack abs. It makes it much easier to get rid of belly fat and improves your metabolism which helps you get there even faster!


Say no to processed food and YES to whole foods


Rather than eating processed foods filled with carbs, calories, fat and sodium that aren’t getting you anywhere close to those abs, turn to whole foods instead! Whole foods are rich in fiber and protein which need more energy to digest, which in turn burns more calories and boosts your metabolism. Filling up on fiber makes you feel fuller for longer and it can easily be found in fruits, veggies and nuts.


Exercise ALL abdominal muscles


It goes without saying that you need to exercise your abs, but in order to get 6 pack abs you would need to work all of your abdominal muscles. You don't need to join a gym, you can do several abs workout exercises at home. There are several abs workout tools but the most effective abs workout to reduce belly fat is using an ab wheel. You can purchase an ab wheel from our store. Abs roller exercises suit different difficulty levels and you can adjust it according to your progress. One of the abs roller benefits is that you can start out with three wheels and as you progress, make them two wheels and then one wheel.