
How to prioritize exercising as a working mom

  • 23/03/2021

Before becoming a mom, exercising might have been the next on your to do list after work. It could be easily squeezed in before heading to work or right after. Even though working out helps you feel strong and energetic and even helps your mental and emotional health, it might be difficult to devote hours to working out. 


Be realistic

Devoting an hour everyday to working out might be difficult, in some cases an hour 5 days a week might be difficult!

What you can do is, workout as many times a week as you can and implement some workouts into your daily routine such as squats when sitting on a chair and crunches while watching tv. Also, don't forget that you are burning calories all day from all the running around you’re doing!


Home workouts

Rather than spending time commuting to and from the gym, you can workout from home. Working out from home can be just as rigorous with the right products and exercises. To get started, you can find the essentials from our Mom’s Package found in our Fit Store. The great thing about it is that it has a variety of items that would stay with you during your fitness journey. 


Make your workouts shorter!

Shorter and more effective workouts are the way to go. There are plenty of workouts that can be done in a short period of time. To lose fat, you can go for high intensity workouts for example. The Moms Package is useful for several kinds of workouts and can target different muscle groups. 


Incorporate it into your calendar

As a working mom, it would be near impossible to have “spare time”. Therefore, the best approach is to schedule your workouts at times that you believe would be most suitable for you. Of course, it's completely normal to not be able to stick to the schedule sometimes, but having a schedule would help you stick to it most of the time!


Prioritize your health and fitness and get started with our Moms Package! Working out at home, with shorter workouts incorporated into your calendar with reasonable expectations would be the way to go!